Having worked from home for over nine-months, I have come to wonder about the future of business operations across the globe. Covid-19 has changed lives as well as our perception to many aspects. For starters, it taught us that our lives and well-being are in our own hands. The use of sanitisers, masks as well as the social-distancing policy were among the few popular initiatives on these lines.  

But what shook many were the massive alterations in business strategies at multiple levels. Most CEOs, CFOs and even members in the lower managerial level worked from home. Many roles had become redundant. While some enterprises welcomed the change, others appeared hesitant. 

What have technological advancements depicted in the past many month?

Well, technology has truly brought the world closer. Many companies have now decided to restructure themselves upon discovering numerous ways to ensure cost-effective operations. More importantly, the concept of working-from-home indefinitely has also paved ways for women who wish to run their own firms.  

Eager to gather a woman’s take on the situation, I spoke with Sneha Priya of Chennai-based S P Robotics. During our conversation, Sneha Priya expressed her views on technology and how her company’s growth had not been hampered despite the challenges posed by the pandemic.


Deepthi Ravula of WeHub also endorsed the fact that the entrepreneurship will continue to grow in the days ahead. But she firmly feels that there needs to be change in attitude in the society at large to encourage more women to become entrepreneurs. 


Now, let’s assume that companies have successfully achieve their targets, garnered large profits and have decided to adapt to the ‘new normal’ for eternity. What happens to the associated services? With the movement of people have been restricted, how would transportation services survive? Would banquet halls become a mere waste of space? 

V-Guard Kochouseph Chittilappilly admitted that the ‘new normal’ would see some harsh realities. According to him, Covid-19 has shown that a lot can be done within the walls of our homes and that companies can function in a cost-effective manner. Then again, this would also imply massive losses in terms of jobs as well as business opportunities for associated services such as real estate, travel, hospitality and more.  

So, what's my take? 

Life has definitely changed. Technology has exposed us to a world that demands an entirely new set of skills. Imagine - a world where you may no longer need a receptionist or an office assistant. OTT platforms allowed us to enjoy our favourite TV shows and movies, and the TV as well as the internet were ideal modes for the transmission news. Social lives too have been immensely affected (even the sight of my masked colleagues excite me lately!). But, in the end, we are human beings. So long as we have the ability to think, speak, see, feel, listen and act, sky is the limit.  

Having explore the world of an entrepreneur, I would say that entrepreneurship has only merely witnessed another dimension to the experience. Covid-19 has, in many ways, motivated people to start thinking differently. After all, these were times when only the ‘fittest’ could survive. This scenario could also be an opportunity for more creative heads to venture out of their comfort zones and travel the path less explored. Isn’t this the true essence of ‘running-your-own-show'?