Double-edged technology

This refers to “The challenge of AI for higher education institutes” (January 2). While there is a need to employ AI related technology in higher institutes of education, the scope of its application should be segregated from that of corporate and other institutions.

Its strength — accuracy and data processing — could benefit students in learning faster and better; but its extension to students for further analysis and problem solving (including cases) could preclude students from honing the creative competence by tasking the brain optimally. The advice that “mental faculty of students should not fall prey to tools like Chat GPT” is easier said than done. Providing training in this is necessary but not sufficient. The solution to limit use for students should be within the development of technology also.

YG Chouksey


Power ties

Apropos the Editorial ‘Powerful Option’ (January 3), it is good to note that the revival of laying of power transmission line between Sri Lanka and India had figured as one of the key discussion points during the recent visit of Sri Lankan PM to India.

This offshore wind energy transmission by the Island nation comes at a time when India is making all out efforts in reaching the coveted goal of 500 GW of Renewable Energy capacity by 2030.

This joint venture needs to be covered under climate financing under UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

RV Baskaran


Consumption boost

Apropos the article ‘The changing consumer’ (January 3), the recently conducted Household Consumption Survey in 2024 brings to the fore, the changes in household consumption pattern of both rural and urban consumers.

The consumption increased in both urban and rural areas despite inflation and supply chain constraints.

Further the demand for fish, egg and meat are increasing both in urban and rural sectors.

Increasing expenditure on consumer durables occupied a major slice in the income. Transport connectivity from rural areas also boosted jobs and consumption.

The MGNREGA scheme has also given more disposable income in the hands of rural consumers.

NR Nagarajan
