PM-Kusum reboot

Apropos ‘Time to recalibrate PM-Kusum scheme’ (January 14), it is distressing to note the performance under none of the components under PM-Kusum Scheme has made any remarkable progress and the performance is far from satisfactory.

The design of sub components under the Scheme such as Component A,B,C focusing on solarisation of the diesel and electrical pumpsets hitherto available at nook and corner of the farm fields is noteworthy as it covers both micro and macro level areas.

As said, the sluggishness among the farmers in solarising their pumpsets is the free electricity they get from respective state governments and the cost involved in the infra for installing solar panels and pumpsets.

State governments are dragging their feet on the scheme as by cutting free electricity for farmers, they are likely to lose an important vote bank.

The right way would be to hike the incentives for infra creation and provide the opportunity of earning revenue through supply of the surplus solar power produced during day time to respective electricity boards.

A good scheme in greening the farm energy is marred by lack of enthusiasm among the States to implement.

RV Baskaran


Farm focus

The experts’ suggestions from the businessline’s Agri & commodity summit held last week should be given a serious thought from the agriculture reforms and sustainable agri-development perspective.

The suggestive shift from natural farming to organic and other innovative methods, cropping patterns, sowing of drought and flood resistant seed varieties is vital to insulate against the increasingly extreme weather conditions.

People’s changing food habits calls for more millet cropping with zero usage of pesticides. If reforms in market research and market linkages proposed through PMPKV Yojana are effectively implemented, the desired results to address the MSP and other related haunting issues of farming community would be possible.

The proposed Nabard Agri & Carbon funding support would boost the innovative agri activities and reduce emissions.

Apart from the various measures suggested, the summit could have thrown some light on private investment in the agri sector and inclusiveness of more women farmers strategically.

Sitaram Popuri


J&K tunnel boost

PM Narendra Modi inaugurating the 6.5-km long Z-Morh tunnel in Ganderbal district of J&K, is a hallmark in the UT’s history. This will make the Sonamarg tourist resort accessible throughout the year.

This tunnel will boost the J&K economy (sectors of transport, shops etc.) and fetch more tax revenues for the UT.

PV Madhu Nivriti


Workers’ struggle

Apropos the news report ‘Weekly offs in India were implemented after a long struggle’ (January 14). Workers or employees need a weekly holidayto break the monotony of work, for relaxation to enhance their productivity.

This became a rule only after relentless struggle by the employees during the nineteenth century. The struggles of workers of the past must be lauded.

S Ramakrishnasayee
