Universal citizenship
This refers to ‘US citizenship grant rate for Indians declining’ (January 24). Citizens from developing nations migrate to developed countries, mostly in search of better job opportunities. The people of host nations, at least some of them, treat the guests as unwelcome parasites eating into the domestic opportunities and resources. The mutual benefit angle is forgotten. This has become more glaring by certain utterances from the highest level in the US. Time is opportune for some internal body similar to the United Nations to come into being to organise and manage migration issues faced by professionals moving from country to country across the world in pursuit of better job opportunities.
MG Warrier
Utilising wastewater
Union Minister Nitin Gadkari is turning the dream of generating ₹300 crore in annual revenue through the reuse of wastewater from toilets into reality. This idea not only sparks an economic revolution but also marks a significant step toward environmental conservation. By utilising toilet water in agriculture and industries, the pressure on rivers can be reduced. This ‘Waste to Wealth’ initiative will promote water conservation, create employment, and strengthen self-reliance.
RK Jain Arijeet
Barwani, MP
Addressing mental health
This is with reference to ‘Caring for mental health’ (January 23). Mental health of citizens should be part and parcel of the healthcare system. The government should appoint counsellors in all educational institutes. Also, it should take the help of psychiatrists/NGOs to help students overcome problems relating to stress, depression and anxiety. Even in companies, there are hardly any provisions for mental care of employees. Scant attention is paid to the well-being of our logistics workforce such as pilots, motormen and bus/lorry drivers. Many lives are dependent on their physical and mental health.
The government should ensure counselling for these service providers whenever they face turmoil in their personal/professional lives.
Veena Shenoy
IT sector must step up
This refers to the editorial, ‘Moment of reckoning’ (January 23). Indian IT majors have all the potential in terms of funds as well as skilled manpower. But the way artificial intelligence is moving into various spheres, the IT industry needs to keep pace with the change in trends and increasing needs.
AG Rajmohan
Anantapur, AP
Foreign universities
Apropos ‘Foreign universities: What will make them tick?’ (January 23), the first priority is to facilitate setting up of foreign university campuses with full autonomy for retaining their brand value, standards of education, fee structure and faculty positions. Let our universities compete with them in delivering quality education..
Vinod Johri
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