Centre’s approvals for building Next Generation Launch Vehicles (NGLV) that can carry heavy payloads and third launch pad at Sriharikota at a cost off around ₹4,000 crore would are a major boost for the space sector, said V Narayanan, Chairman, Indian Space Research Organisation, on Wednesday.
There will be huge demand for use of these kinds of vehicles from the private sector. The NGLVs will be a three-stage vehicle with two strap-ons and can be used in Chandrayaan 4 and 5 missions and also in deep space missions. The third launch pad will be used to launch these vehicles. The third launch pad will take 48 months to build, he told newspersons after the successful launch of the 100th rocket from the spaceport Sriharikota. ISRO successfully launched the GSLV F-15/NVS-02 navigation satellite.
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Replying to a question that while It took 46 years for the 100 launches, with a lot of advanced capabilities now, can ISRO do the next 100 launches in five years, Narayanan said, “You are asking the right question. It is possible.”
“It is an exciting time for Indian space activities with a lot of missions, including Chandrayaan 4 & 5. Our activities are not only exciting but contributing for the common man,” he told television channels.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given a clear vision for ISRO till 2040. Not only the vision, but the project approvals, and the space sector reforms that was his brainchild. “We have the blessing and support of the political leadership,” he added.
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