SENSEX   77,505.96

+ 5.39

NIFTY   23,482.15


CRUDEOIL   6,359.00

+ 9.00

GOLD   82,100.00

+ 212.00

SILVER   93,250.00

+ 36.00

SENSEX   77,505.96

+ 5.39

NIFTY   23,482.15


NIFTY   23,482.15


CRUDEOIL   6,359.00

+ 9.00

CRUDEOIL   6,359.00

+ 9.00

GOLD   82,100.00

+ 212.00

Harley-Davidson, Suzuki Hayabusa to get cheaper with cut in import duties

S Ronendra Singh
Harley-Davidson, Suzuki Hayabusa to get cheaper with cut in import duties

Eye on imports. The reduction in basic customs duty aims to attract luxury automakers, including Tesla, Harley-Davidson and others, by enabling them to bring their advanced technologies to India at lower costs BIJOY GHOSH

With the reduction in basic customs duties (BCD) on the import of motorcycles with engine capacity up to 1600 cc and above 1600 cc from 50 per cent to 40 per cent and from 50 per cent to 30 per cent respectively, Harley-Davidsons and Suzuki Hayabusas of the world can now become accessible to many bike enthusiasts in the country.

The government has introduced Agriculture Infrastructure and Development Cess (AIDC) on the import of such two-wheelers in its Budget presented on Saturday, whether it is a completely built unit (CBU) or semi-knocked down (SKD) unit or completely knocked down (CKD) unit, by tax rationalisation, which would make these products cheaper from earlier rates.

“There was no AIDC earlier in the auto sector. So it will be a combined impact of a lower BCD plus AIDC. With this, the government has made a rate rationalisation, although in most of the cases, it is actually the similar reduction and the same percentage has been levied,” Sivakumar Ramjee, Executive Director-Indirect Tax, Nangia Andersen LLP, told businessline.

Similarly, the Budget document indicated that the rates for SKD motorcycles up to 1,600cc had been reduced from 25 per cent to 20 per cent and for CKD to 10 per cent (15 per cent).

For motorcycles above 1,600cc, the SKD rates have been reduced to 20 per cent (25 per cent) and for CKD to 10 per cent (15 per cent).

Structural change

According to analysts, this is a structural change so that the Centre gets a better pie of the taxes. For instance, BCD was shared between the States and the Centre but now with introduction of AIDC, the cess will come to the Centre.

The government has also introduced AIDC in the import of some cars costing more than $40,000 a unit, reducing the tariff rate from 125 per cent to 70 per cent. However, with 40 per cent of AIDC, the final rate remains the same.

“For most automotive parts and vehicles, import duties haven’t really changed. The government just shifted some duties around, from basic customs duty to something called the AIDC. The only real duty cuts are on motorcycles (including in CKD and SKD form), some big passenger vehicles (including CKD and SKD form) and goods transportation vehicles,” Saurabh Agarwal, Partner & Automotive Tax Leader at EY, told businessline.

This is a step by the government to provide a level-playing field to foreign manufacturers by reducing the tariff barrier in sectors where India has a strong supply chain, he added.

Currently, Hero MotoCorp imports Harley-Davidson motorcycles through its partnership and sells products such as Fat Bob 114 (1,868 cc), Fat Boy 114 (1,868 cc), Heritage 114 (1,868 cc) and Breakout 117 (1,923 cc), priced ₹21.49 lakh, ₹25.69 lakh, ₹27.19 lakh and ₹31 lakh respectively.

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