SENSEX   78,699.07

+ 226.59

NIFTY   23,813.40

+ 63.20

CRUDEOIL   6,045.00

+ 10.00

GOLD   76,536.00


SILVER   88,882.00


SENSEX   78,699.07

+ 226.59

NIFTY   23,813.40

+ 63.20

NIFTY   23,813.40

+ 63.20

CRUDEOIL   6,045.00

+ 10.00

CRUDEOIL   6,045.00

+ 10.00

GOLD   76,536.00


Mumbai: Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) new Governor Sanjay Malhotra poses for photographs after a press conference at the RBI headquarters, in Mumbai, Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2024. Malhotra on Wednesday said the central bank will maintain continuity and stability in policy matters, but emphasised on the need to remain 'alert and agile' in the wake of the current global economic and political environment. (PTI Photo/Kunal Patil) (PTI12_11_2024_000324A)
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